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About My Beekeeping Kit

My Beekeeping Kit - the website and its reference material content is written and maintained online by the owner as an independent entity, non commercial, non profit making, and is not affiliated to any association or organisation. Site content is freely available to all with no requirement for sign-ups, donations, or fundraising.

Environmentally Responsible Beekeeping - is the key message of these notes which support the maintenance of healthy and sustainable stocks of native honeybees through carefully considered, well planned, and skilfully executed best practice in beekeeping.

Species Conservation - is central to the authors beekeeping, recognising the importance of our native honeybee's place in our ecology and mounting pressure from commerce and industry, and media and market place campaigns exploiting our natural world.

Sharing Best Practice - the notes are kept online so that they can be easily accessed on-site from the apiary, cutting down errors and saving wasted journeys and time, and are openly available to all for use at your own discretion.

Apichat - the site includes a forum promoting responsible and sustainable beekeeping, and for promoting best beekeeping practice.

Owner and Author - Iain D Dewar is a retired lecturer, long time conservationist, and seasoned beekeeper residing in West Lothian, and can be contacted by using the link below.

Signature - If it's not environmentally responsible or sustainable, don't do it!

About the 'My Beekeeping Kit' website.

Contact Iain Dewar for enquiries, suggestions, corrections and contributions for improving the notes. Always welcome!

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